Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Gender inequality free essay sample

How can we explain the persistence of gender hierarchy over transformnations in its socioeconomic base? Part of the answer lies in the mediation of gender inequality by taken-for-granted interactional processes that rewrite inequality into new institutional arrangements. The problems of interacting cause actors to automatically sex-categorize others and, thus, to cue gender stereotypes that have various effects on interactional outcomes, usually by modifying the performance of other, more salient identities. Because changes in the status dimension of gender stereotypes lag behind changes in resource inequalities, interactional status processes can reestablish gender inequalities in new structural forms. Interactional sex categorization also biases the choice of comparison others, causing men and women to judge differently the rewards available to them. Operating in workplace relations, these processes conserve inequality by driving the gender-labeling of jobs, constructing people as gender-interested actors, contributing to employers discriminatory preferences, and mediating mens and womens perceptions of alternatives and their willingness to settle for given job outcomes. In most parts of the world women do more housework and men do the handy jobs. However there is a great gap between the two genders. Gender inequality is a serious but suppressed issue around the world that is mostly fought by women. A few great differences between genders are in profession, behaviors, even in the eyes of parents. In the work force, men are highly favored compared to women. It is proven that a woman occupying the same position as a man will earn seventy seven percent of the man’s salary. Two people working the same job should normally earn the same amount of money, this is unacceptable. In a few countries like Saudi Arabia, women are not even allowed to work. A few decades ago, women in most societies were expected to stay at home and take of the household and her family. In some countries in Africa, girls still do not attend school; they are expected to find a husband that will take care of them. Until this day, two thirds of the world’s illiterates are female. Only seventeen women rule countries in the world actually, eight are presidents, and the rest are just prime ministers, not presidents. However there seems to be a turning point in the cycle. Women work much harder than man today, mostly in developed countries. The difference can be noticed, in schools, and universities, through the grades, and level of education. Men still get hired easier, and they earn more money than women in general. Women also have to rely on their husband or father for almost everything. Most women nowadays focus on their career more than family plans, because they are maybe tired of the inequality and mostly tired of being ruled by men. There are so many things that are accepted from men, but when it is done by a woman, it is improper. A male with many girlfriends is considered a womanizer, a player, and often admired by others. Whereas a female who dates or dated many men is considered a slut. She is undesired and criticized by society. It is current to hear that a man is cheating on his spouse, something that seems to be normal. However you will rarely hear that a women is cheating on her husband, and it causes a lot of drama when it these situations. Polygamy is still part of many countries’ culture, but it is very rare to witness polyandry. Back in the days women were victims of the practice of suttee, where a widow immolates herself on her husband’s coffin. The suttee is still in practice nowadays, in some part of India. Most of the times guys rule women boss them around, and it seems totally normal. When women control men, the men come off as submissive, and disrespected. How many women will dare burp or fart in public? How many women will admit masturbating when they are alone or when they feel like it? A very few will, and they will not get away without critics, and dirty looks. These are some reasons why women always act in a way not to be judged. They often do as society says. They tend to be sneaky, and they lie to not be judged by others. Back in the days, around the thirteenth to seventeenth century, in some cultures woman had to kill their baby if they gave birth to girls. In China many women were victims of foot binding, so they could have small attractive feet, and to not run away from their home. Even nowadays, in countries like China where each family is allowed to have one child, many people perform sex-selective abortion, when they give birth to a girl they undergo abortion in order to be pregnant and hopefully give birth to a boy. In most families, the birth of a boy brings more joy and it is more celebrated than the birth of a little girl. Parents and grandparents give more privileges to boys, such as higher rewards, more food, more freedom, it also depends on the age but boys get more than girls in most families, especially from grandparents. Just like racism, gender inequality will never disappear. The situation may ameliorate. More women get to go to school and get a higher education. More women get elected in government institutions. Women can be more independent than they used to be. But unfortunately males will always be considered stronger and superior to females; therefore they will have more advantage, opportunities, and maintain their power over women.

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