Saturday, December 28, 2019

Narrative Voices in Shelleys Frankenstein and Fathers...

Narrative Voices in Shelleys Frankenstein and Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev I have chosen to compare the narrative voices of Frankenstein and Fathers and Sons, as the perspectives in these two novels differ from one another. Frankenstein’s narrative voice contains tales of three characters within one narrative, none belonging directly to the author, whereas the narrative voice of Fathers and Sons, is that of the author alone. Examples I will be using are taken from ‘The Realist Novel’ (TRN), and from the novels of Frankenstein (F) and Fathers and Sons (FS). Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein is an example of first- person narrative, with Walton describing his encounters in letters to his sister Margaret, in†¦show more content†¦(P53 F). This novel also includes narrative perspectives that shape the fictional world in the realist novel genre. Instances of this come from Victors childhood, which seemed idyllic, with his mother and father devoted to him, ‘the innocent and helpless creature bestowed on them by heaven’ and ‘I was so guided by a silken cord that all seemed but one train of enjoyment to me’ (P.33 F). And when the monster is relating his tale to Victor, of how he learnt the basic principles of survival, stating ‘when I was oppressed by cold, I found fire’ and ‘searching in vain for a few acorns to assuage the pangs of hunger’ and of his hideout ‘I found it an agreeable asylum from the snow and rain’. (P.99 F). This perspective is plausible, giving a romantic feel to the novel, when ‘Frankenstein’s physical attempt to reconstruct the human frame serves as an image for the goal of Romantic artists: the spiritual regeneration of man’ (p.65 TRN). The pathos generated by his tale is intensified by the monster being inspired and consoled by nature, as he describes to Victor ‘my senses were gratified and refreshed by a thousand scents of delight and a thousand sights of beauty’ with the onset of spring, (p.111 F). Also, ‘thankfulness towards the blessed sun, which bestowed such joy upon me’ (p.134 F). When the narrative perspective changes, we have a contrast to these joys as he is rejected as an ‘ugly detestable monster’, at a

Friday, December 20, 2019

How Political Parties Developed in the Federal Government

In the late eighteenth century parties developed gradually after the inauguration of the federal government in the United States which gave rise to persistent divisions among the officeholders. This was mainly because there were questions on the extent of the new government’s powers and authority. There were no proper structures on the powers and jurisdiction of the national and state government which led to conflicts. This was finally revealed in 1791 when the debate over the establishment of the Bank of United States showed the huge difference in the ideas and opinions about the balance of power state and national power (Sutton, 2002). This thereby led to the establishment of two different political factions; the republicans and the federalists. The republicans were proponents of limiting the federal government powers and giving the state more authority thereby expanding popular participation in politics. The federalists on the other hand strongly supported the national gove rnment and international ties especially with Great Britain and pushed for more power to be handed to the federal government. This paper looks at the Federalists views and the main motivator or the reasons why the Federalists pushed for a central government in the United States. The Federalist Party was supported mainly because of seven main issues which the party members deemed important for a great American nation. First there was the funding of the public debt which the Federalists saw necessary forShow MoreRelatedEssay on Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson1029 Words   |  5 Pagesdifficulties of creating a country with strong political, social, and economic power. With the writing of the Articles of Confederation the country had now developed a national government, but was weak and ineffective. The top leaders of the country knew the flaws of the Articles and gathered together to rewrite the draft. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Gender inequality free essay sample

How can we explain the persistence of gender hierarchy over transformnations in its socioeconomic base? Part of the answer lies in the mediation of gender inequality by taken-for-granted interactional processes that rewrite inequality into new institutional arrangements. The problems of interacting cause actors to automatically sex-categorize others and, thus, to cue gender stereotypes that have various effects on interactional outcomes, usually by modifying the performance of other, more salient identities. Because changes in the status dimension of gender stereotypes lag behind changes in resource inequalities, interactional status processes can reestablish gender inequalities in new structural forms. Interactional sex categorization also biases the choice of comparison others, causing men and women to judge differently the rewards available to them. Operating in workplace relations, these processes conserve inequality by driving the gender-labeling of jobs, constructing people as gender-interested actors, contributing to employers discriminatory preferences, and mediating mens and womens perceptions of alternatives and their willingness to settle for given job outcomes. In most parts of the world women do more housework and men do the handy jobs. However there is a great gap between the two genders. Gender inequality is a serious but suppressed issue around the world that is mostly fought by women. A few great differences between genders are in profession, behaviors, even in the eyes of parents. In the work force, men are highly favored compared to women. It is proven that a woman occupying the same position as a man will earn seventy seven percent of the man’s salary. Two people working the same job should normally earn the same amount of money, this is unacceptable. In a few countries like Saudi Arabia, women are not even allowed to work. A few decades ago, women in most societies were expected to stay at home and take of the household and her family. In some countries in Africa, girls still do not attend school; they are expected to find a husband that will take care of them. Until this day, two thirds of the world’s illiterates are female. Only seventeen women rule countries in the world actually, eight are presidents, and the rest are just prime ministers, not presidents. However there seems to be a turning point in the cycle. Women work much harder than man today, mostly in developed countries. The difference can be noticed, in schools, and universities, through the grades, and level of education. Men still get hired easier, and they earn more money than women in general. Women also have to rely on their husband or father for almost everything. Most women nowadays focus on their career more than family plans, because they are maybe tired of the inequality and mostly tired of being ruled by men. There are so many things that are accepted from men, but when it is done by a woman, it is improper. A male with many girlfriends is considered a womanizer, a player, and often admired by others. Whereas a female who dates or dated many men is considered a slut. She is undesired and criticized by society. It is current to hear that a man is cheating on his spouse, something that seems to be normal. However you will rarely hear that a women is cheating on her husband, and it causes a lot of drama when it these situations. Polygamy is still part of many countries’ culture, but it is very rare to witness polyandry. Back in the days women were victims of the practice of suttee, where a widow immolates herself on her husband’s coffin. The suttee is still in practice nowadays, in some part of India. Most of the times guys rule women boss them around, and it seems totally normal. When women control men, the men come off as submissive, and disrespected. How many women will dare burp or fart in public? How many women will admit masturbating when they are alone or when they feel like it? A very few will, and they will not get away without critics, and dirty looks. These are some reasons why women always act in a way not to be judged. They often do as society says. They tend to be sneaky, and they lie to not be judged by others. Back in the days, around the thirteenth to seventeenth century, in some cultures woman had to kill their baby if they gave birth to girls. In China many women were victims of foot binding, so they could have small attractive feet, and to not run away from their home. Even nowadays, in countries like China where each family is allowed to have one child, many people perform sex-selective abortion, when they give birth to a girl they undergo abortion in order to be pregnant and hopefully give birth to a boy. In most families, the birth of a boy brings more joy and it is more celebrated than the birth of a little girl. Parents and grandparents give more privileges to boys, such as higher rewards, more food, more freedom, it also depends on the age but boys get more than girls in most families, especially from grandparents. Just like racism, gender inequality will never disappear. The situation may ameliorate. More women get to go to school and get a higher education. More women get elected in government institutions. Women can be more independent than they used to be. But unfortunately males will always be considered stronger and superior to females; therefore they will have more advantage, opportunities, and maintain their power over women.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Gulliver’s Travel Essay Sample free essay sample

The universe shows many different and alone features in life. The film â€Å"Gulliver’s Travel† . it shows a small spot more than that. There were many things that have happened to Gulliver throughout his life. One of the of import memories he’s had was the clip he summoned some people from the yesteryear ; historiographers. All of this was a large metaphor. and really satiric. This portion of Gulliver’s Travel is really of import because it is really much symbolic ; it symbolizes a batch about Gulliver. Gulliver summoned historiographers by cutting his finger utilizing his blood. There are many symbolic grounds to why and how Gulliver summoned the historiographers. Some illustrations include that Gulliver was stuck in clip ; he did non cognize where or how her got at that place. he realizes what go oning to him. and he uses blood as a forfeit. Gulliver was stuck in clip. He was really baffled and was like that for rather a piece. We will write a custom essay sample on Gulliver’s Travel Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He did non cognize what was traveling on with him ; he did but other people did non understand. Everyone around him including his familiarities and besides his household thought he was traveling brainsick and insane. They thought that he was brainsick because he would speak to himself. but he was really speaking to these different animals that are merely seeable to him. He would besides see these things and the different animals ; he can merely see. Gulliver did truly look brainsick speaking to himself. his married woman and his boy supported him because they loved him and trust that he would acquire better shortly. Before all of this they haven’t seen Gulliver for many old ages so that’s why they want to maintain him about. Gulliver besides did non cognize he had a boy. Gulliver was stuck in clip that’s why his household could non happen him for rather a immense sum of clip. He was stuck in clip and making the same modus operandi over and over once more. At first. Gulliver was merely confused and did non cognize how to manage things. He tried repairing his job by speaking to people and stating him what he sees. Those things that he sees are like another universe for him. The se features are really symbolic and really of import because it goes on with the whole narrative of Gulliver’s travel. Gulliver is stuck in clip and he’s seeking to happen a manner out of it. Gulliver is still stuck in clip and seeking to happen his manner out of it. He realizes what was traveling on and what has been go oning to him and besides around him. He did non cognize that he was stuck in clip. Gulliver was drugged and poisoned imbibing his vino. He kept making the same thing over and over once more and did non recognize it. He kept making the same thing and did non recognize how many times that it went on. He was drugged by imbibing his vino multiple times. He so summoned heroes from the yesteryear without him cognizing and he besides summoned people multiple times. Gulliver realized what was traveling on. he saw cuts on his fingers and he does something about it. He remembers non to imbibe that vino that was drugged and poisoned. He tries to acquire himself together by detecting what was go oning to himself. He found out that the cat that drugged him with the vino has been utilizing him and playing him like a game. He would utilize Gulliver’s blood to cite those historiographers. For Gulliver to acquire back at him ; that adult male who drugged him. Gulliver summoned some other historiographers and many of them. Gullive r summoned those other historian because he knew that if he did summoned the other historiographers. so the cat would gross out out and he would acquire huffy and annoyed. Gulliver is truly smart even though he might look like he’s a brainsick individual or insane. Gulliver has been making everything so that he can acquire out of that clip. he misses his married woman and he now has a child that he didn’t cognize he had. He recognizing what was traveling on with him. or at least a portion of him was really symbolic to the whole narrative. yet really of import because how he summoned many historiographers and the manner he did cite them utilizing his ain blood for forfeit. The manner that Gulliver summoned the historiographers was really alone. He sacrifices his blood to cite a historiographer. How he specifically does it is that he uses a mirror for contemplation and cut himself on his finger and topographic point his finger on the mirror. It is really of import how Gulliver summons the historiographers in the narrative. He uses blood as a forfeit. and non merely blood but his ain blood. The adult male that drugged him did non utilize his ain blood to cite a historian. but used Gulliver’s blood. A ground that may be is because he doesn’t want to give his ain blood or that Gullivers blood merely works to cite these historiographers. There is a immense significance with him citing the historiographers. Gulliver summoned the historiographers because he wanted to acquire out. He knew he was stuck in clip so Gulliver made truly immense actions so that he can acquire out of the large muss that he is in. The manner that Gulliver summons the historiographers ; that excessively besides has a truly immense significance in the narrative. It was truly important because the author of the narrative chose Gulliver to cite these historiographers with his ain blood and non anything else. The author could hold come up with something else. but he chose that. The immense significance on how he summons them is that he besides says some words in a truly historic linguistic communication or in a foreign linguistic communication. Gulliver does stop up complete and to the point where he wanted to be. In add-on. the universe around us does demo many different and alone features in life. In â€Å"Gulliver’s Travel† . it shows even many more alone ways of life. There are many different things that can and does go on to people today. whether it is good or bad. impos sible or insane. Throughout Gullivers life it’s been a roller coaster to him. He went through many things his familiarities have non and likely won’t experience. He was drugged and was truly baffled. he was stuck in clip and he summoned historiographers to acquire out of the trap he was in. Gulliver so shortly managed to acquire out of all the problem that he was in.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Gender Stress free essay sample

The data did not reveal any significant statistical differences between sources of stress for male and female officers. The findings did however reflect significant statistical differences in the coping strategies and self-reporting of physical Illnesses between male and female officers. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT] Full Text Headphone Abstract This mixed-method research surveyed 271 officers in Florida to examine if a deference exists in critical life events (sources of stress) experienced by law enforcement officers. Descriptive statistics, t-test, chi-square, NOVA andCockroachs Alpha were used to analyze the data. The data did not reveal any significant statistical differences between sources of stress for male and female officers. The findings did however reflect significant statistical differences in the coping strategies and self-reporting of physical illnesses between male and female officers. Key Words: Stress, Gender, coping strategies, Law enforcement officers. Introduction Police work is a highly stressful occupation, and police officers are frequently exposed to stresses that are unique to their Jobs. We will write a custom essay sample on Gender Stress or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Their role of protecting he public, for Instance, makes It possible to anticipate both positive and negative been empirically linked to the physiological and psychological illness of officers and to the decreased quality and quantity of police service. Moreover, the law enforcement culture plays a direct role in the causation of traumatic stress reactions, and organization factors are particularly relevant when dealing with duty related psychological trauma (Renee et al. , p. 7). Over the years, policing has been characterized as appropriate only for males and inconsistent with socially acceptable female activities (Lindsay et al. 002). With the increasing number of women Joining the profession, issues regarding the impact of the Job, its stresses, and the effect of a male dominated subculture on women have come to the fore. Historically, research into police stress is most often descriptive or anecdotal. To adequately understand, predict, and control stress among the law enforcement officers, particularly among female officers, more empirical study is necessary. To this end, this mixed-method research surveyed 271 officers in Florida to examine if a difference exists in critical life events (sources of stress) experienced y law enforcement officers.The instrument used was a modified version of Swells Law Enforcement Critical Life Events Scale (LESS) survey. The LESS is a 144-item instrument that examines police stress based on individual events (Swell, 1983). The sample for this study was drawn from a population of 734 municipal, county, and state law enforcement officers in the Tampa Bay, Florida, area each of whom had a minimum of 5 years of active law enforcement experience. Officers were administered a Liker-type attitudinal scale to rate their perceived stress on a scale of O to 5, or none to very high.Agency Profile Respondents were drawn from five agencies within the Tampa Ba y each of which was accredited by either the Commission on Accreditation Law Enforcement Agencies at the national level or the Florida Commission Law Enforcement Accreditation (or both). On The successful accomplishment, the accreditation process ensures that these agencies comply with a set of law enforcement standards meeting all the professionally recognized criteria. Site 1: Florida Highway Patrol The Florida Highway Patrol is Florists largest traffic law agency.In March 2002, the Florida Highway Patrol had over 1,770 troopers (sworn law enforcement officers) and 500 non sworn staff. At the time of study, Troop F of Florida Highway Patrol, located in the Tampa Bay area, was commanded by a female major in charge of charged with managing the operations in the nine counties comprising the troops geographic district. Troop F is posed of 96 male and 16 female troopers. Twelve of the females met the minimum 5-year requirement (FOP, personal e-mail, November 14, 2005).Site 2: Alkaline Police Department The city of Alkaline covers approximately 70. 5 square miles with a population of over 90,000 permanent residents. In November 2005, the LIP authorized to have 234 law enforcement officers, although, at that time, it had only 221 officer positions filled: 193 males and 28 females (LIP, personal e- mail, January 3, 2006). There were 54 sworn supervisory personnel. The LIP command leadership included one chief of police and three assistant police chiefs (one of whom was a female).The total number of females that had a minimum of 5 years of active law enforcement experience was not available. Site 3: Sarasota County Sheriffs Office Sarasota County covers approximately 620 81,000 seasonal residents, and over 1. Million tourists and visitors per year. Sarasota County Sheriffs Office has 280 male deputies and 44 female deputies. Site 4: Tampa Police Department Tampa is the largest city in Hillsboro County and it is the third most populous city in Florida. The city is 116. 1 square miles with a population of over 333,000 permanent residents.As of November 29, 2005, there were approximately 980 sworn officers, of which 110 females had a minimum of 5 years of active law enforcement experience. Two of the three assistant chiefs of police are females. Site 5: Hillsboro County Sheriffs Office Hillsboro County covers over 1 ,OHO square miles, approximately 900 square miles of which comprise unincorporated Hillsboro County. The county has a population of over 1. 1 million permanent residents, of whom 759,000 are in the unincorporated Hillsboro County area.Seasonal residents range from approximately 20,000 in midsummer to 60,000 in the winter months. The county has approximately 17 million tourists and visitors per year. Hillsboro County Sheriffs Office is the 10th largest suburban law enforcement agency, by personnel, in the nation. The agency has 103 male and 14 female supervisors and 767 male and 159 female deputies, of which 155 f the females have 5 or more years of active law enforcement experience. Demographic Profile Of the 271 respondents to the survey, 148 (55%) were male and 123 (45%) were female. The sample in this study was more heavily female oriented than the gender composition of other law enforcement agencies with 100 or more sworn law enforcement officers, but it provided a better comparison of stresses based on gender. The summary data for 2000 for state and local law enforcement agencies with 100 or more officers indicate that female officers comprise 12% of county police, 14% of municipal police, 14% of sheriff agencies and 6% of primary Tate law enforcement (Reeves Hickman, 2004).

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Stop Stealing Songs essays

Stop Stealing Songs essays Have you dreamed that you could get your favorite artist fs songs such as Eric Clapton, Rolling Stones, and Beatles without any payment? The dream has come true: Napster, an online music sharing soft. It enables its users to download music files through the Internet, which means that as long as one music lover has a computer and connection to the Internet, the music lover can get popular songs, classical music, and even national anthems. One CD costs about fifteen dollars, but Napster does not require its users to pay because the users are just borrowing and lending their music files with each other. This is just like a dream. I do not even know how much money I have spent to listen to my favorite musicians. The dream, Napster, has attracted over eighty millions of music fans all over the world since it was made in 1999, according to USA Today. Unfortunately it has also caught music companies f attention and Napster was sued. The battle between the music companies and Napster, which pretends to be a messiah for music fans who complain about CD prices or just want songs free, were likely to be the lose of Napster and, in fact, it was. The Supreme Court ordered Napster to limit its service and the limitation of the service has been performed; however, this is not enough. Napster should completely stop its service because it is, in reality, violating the copyrights, users are not paying artists, and it can spoil the future of online music and movies distribution. Napster is certainly violating the copyrights. An excuse that is often generated by the music stealing users is that they do not distribute music files that they have, but they just borrow and lend the files among the users, so they are not violating the copyrights. Even though personal music trading, which has been frequently done among music consumers since the invention of tapes and CD fs, may not offend against the law and, as a result, the users may not be violat...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Project management ip 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Project management ip 4 - Essay Example Every project should be easily accessible, this is because investors are very busy people. Therefore, they may not want to waste a lot of time. In connection to this, it is advisable that before a company decides they best place to locate a project, they have to make sure that it can easily be accessible (Van de Vaar, 2012). For any kind of project to begin, all the materials should be available and they cost known. This is because investors like knowing a rough estimate of the project. In connection to this, it is necessary that before the meeting all the estimated costs of the materials should have been known (Alonso, 2009). Some projects needs a lot of money for them to be completed. In regards to this, it is not easy estimating how much a project will cost. However, it is recommended that the project team should be able to put a rough estimate of the project. Since the meeting is coming earlier than planned, the project team members can look at some of the projects which are similar to the one they are intending to put up so as to have a rough estimate of the project (Brent, 2012). One of the factors that leads to successful completion of a project is human resource. The project team should ensure that they have identified various personnel who will work on the project. This is because the senior executives would like to know whether the project will be finished on time or not (Alonso, 2009). In opportunity analysis, the total cost of the project is a very important factor to be given priority over the rest of the other factors. As a result, much of the resources should diverted towards knowing how much the project will cost. While, the resources allocated for identifying the location of the project can be minimized (Brent, 2012). Allocating more resources towards estimating the cost of the project will affect many things. For example,